
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ravioli with Pesto Cream Sauce

I love pesto and could add it to almost every dish and be completely happy. I have added it to the filling in my stuffed shells, sandwiches, and in any cream sauce. I don't make my own pesto. I would love to make my own but it just seems so expensive to make it. It cost over $8 dollars just to buy a small package of pine nuts and I bought a huge container of pesto at Costco for $8.99 the other day.

I added pesto to my cream sauce and poured it over mushroom ravioli. It was so delish and very easy. Your kids will love it. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

2 heaping tablespoons of pesto sauce
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
salt and pepper
Parmesan cheese for the topping (optional)
12 mushroom ravioli or any pasta of your choice.


In a stock pot boil water and add ravioli. Cook according to package.

In a large saute pan add pesto sauce. heat up just a little and then add heavy cream and salt and pepper. Cook and allow to thicken up about 5 minutes.  Pour over ravioli with a little parmesan cheese on top.


  1. I love pesto so much. This looks and sounds so delicious, can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing :)

    Happy Valley Chow

  2. I adore pesto too and I love this cream sauce! Perfect over ravioli!

  3. Hey Andrea - One thing I've found re: making pesto to bring the food cost down is to buy the pine nuts from the bulk section at Whole Foods. You can either buy some tiny imported jar of San Whoever's pine nuts for $8 or buy just the 2 tablespoons you need for under a buck.

  4. This looks fantastic. Can't wait to try it!
