
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Thai Cucumber Sauce

I love Thai food and one of my favorites is the cucumber salad. I bought a cook book many years ago because I wanted to learn how to make red curry sauce. This book also had a great recipe for cucumber salad. It is called Keo's Thai cuisine. The recipe is slightly different because I don't always have red chili's in the fridge and I use less shallots. Try it and let me know what you think. 


1 cucumber 
5 tablespoons sugar
1 cup boiling water
1/2 cup white vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1 small pinch of red pepper flakes
half of a shallot sliced thin.


Peel cucumber but don't remove all of the peel. Slice in half. I liked to take the seeds out with spoon. Then I slice them. In a bowl add sugar and pour in boiling water. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Add salt and white vinegar. Stir and then pour over cucumber, shallots, and red pepper flakes. Chill and enjoy later. 


  1. This is the best part of satay.
    The Germans have something similar.
    Thanks, doll! xo

    1. Best part, indeed! I add shredded carrots and thinly sliced red onion. So good!

  2. Hi Andrea, I love this Thai cucumber sauce. We get it at a Chinese restaurant we frequent. I might just try it tonight. I also love your cookie recipes. I have a weakness for homemade cookies!

  3. Hi Andrea, I love the Thai cucumber sauce, might try it tonight.
    Also like your homemade cookie recipes. I have a weakness for cookies. Enjoyed visiting your blog.
