
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Favorite recipes

It is New Years Day and I thought it would be fun to post the top 5 recipes that viewers seem to enjoy checking out and cooking. It has been a lot of fun writing the blog and getting feed back from others who have made the recipes I have posted. I am excited for 2013 and adding even more great recipes for appetizers, dinners, and even cocktails. Check out these recipes and let me know what you think and if any of them are your favorite.

The one recipe that reached a 1,000 views and seems to be the most popular is Olive Garden Dressing.
It is one of my favorites also. I like it because it is like a creamy Italian dressing that works on many different salads.
#1 Olive Garden Dressing

The other favorite is my chili recipe. It is very close to a 1,000 views and is quite simple to make. I have made this for my annual soup swap and some of the members ask me to make it the following year because they love it so much.

#2 Chili

My Ultimate Chocolate Chip recipe seems to also be a big hit on my blog. I am not surprised because it took me years to figure this recipe out and now I make them over and over to the point that I have memorized it. 
#3 Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie

This Ravioli with Garlic Cream Sauce is a favorite of mine and my family so I am not surprised it is also on the top 5 list. It is super easy to make and your friends and family will think you are a chef because of how fancy it looks and taste.
#4 Ravioli with Garlic Cream Sauce

My Popcorn with Nutritional Yeast Flakes recipe has become quite a hit on pinterest and google. I think it is because of the Nutritional flakes. I can't tell you how addicting this popcorn is and how good it is for you. Try it and let me know what you think.
#5 Popcorn with Nutritional Yeast Flakes


  1. All of these sound delicious! I am in the market for a chocolate chip cookie recipe so this one looks like it fits the bill!

  2. LOVE the popcorn recipe! I shall indeed be making that today... :)

  3. So glad you like it. Let me know how it turns out.

  4. Those cookies look good! I'll have to give them a try!

  5. I think I hear those chocolate chip cookies calling my name! Looking forward to trying some of these recipes!

  6. A nice varied list, covering appetizer to dessert. Thanks for sharing your Top 5!
