
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Blackberry Crisp with Creeping Raspberries

I absolutely love August because of the blackberries that grow wild outside of my mom's house. I went crazy this year and tried a few recipes with them. This was the first and I added a different berry that is also growing wild outside near the blackberries. These we discovered last year and luckily they start growing in late June so we got to enjoy them all of July. They are called Creeping Raspberries and from what I noticed are great ground cover, grow very easily and are quite delicious. I would say they taste like a cross between a raspberry and tangerine. Me and my kids could not get enough of them. Because the blackberries were still not quite plentiful in early August. I added some of them to my crisp and oh boy was I very happy with the result.

These were growing down the hill and hanging over the rock wall


For the berry mixture
4-5 cups blackberries and creeping raspberries
3/4 cup of sugar
2 tablespoons flour

For the topping
1 3/4 cup of oats
1 cup of flour
1/2 cup of brown sugar
1/2 cup cold butter
1/2 tsp cinnamon

Pre heat oven to 350 degrees

Wash berries gently and dry on a backing sheet lined with a paper towel. Add those berries gently to a bowl and toss them with sugar and flour. Try not to mix to much so the berries keep their shape.

Add these berries to a baking dish a little larger than 9x9 if possible if not 9x9 will do.

In another bowl add oats, flour, sugar, cinnamon and cold butter cut into small squares. With a pastry cutter or your fingers mix all of it together until it creates large peas size lumps. Cover the berries and bake 25 to 35 minutes or until golden and bubbling.

Trust me you wont have any leftovers. If you don't have creeping raspberries you could make this same recipe with all blackberries. Try it and let me know what you think.


  1. Looks delicious and very tempting !! Happy to follow you :)


    Sharans Samayalarai

  2. Oh this looks absolutely wonderful! I love berries of any kind and am so envious that you grow them. My yard is far too shady, I'm afraid! I hope you froze some of them so that you can make this gorgeous crisp in the dark days of winter! : )

    1. Thanks, I too love all berries. I didn't freeze any because I made this while I was visiting my mom and I didn't want to take any berries on the plane. I long for the day I can have my own garden and freeze and pickle for those winter day. Thanks for coming by.
